Distance: 212 km Grade: 1 (Easy)

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The John Muir Way near Burncrooks Reservoir
cc-by-sa/2.0 - © Lairich Rig - geograph.org.uk/p/4977713

John Muir Way
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 © Copyright Lairich Rig and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence


A 10-stage easy walk, mostly on well defined paths, with no special difficulties. The John Muir Way follows paths ranging from grass to gravel and tarmac. Much of the route is flattish with easy gradients and a few hill climbs. From Helensburgh through the scenic grandeur of Loch Lomond where there is a link with the Three Lochs Way, along two famous canals taking in the Roman Antonine Wall, passing Linlithgow Palace, Blackness Castle and the Forth Bridges (Link with the Fife Coastal Path) to Edinburgh.

This walk finishes at Dunbar with its ruined castle and John Muir’s birthplace cottage.

From Dunbar there is a special 'John Muir Link' to Cocksburnpath (16 km) where you may hook up with the Southern Upland Way or the Berwickshire Coastal Path.


  1. Helensburgh - Balloch 14,5 km (Slightly harder)
  2. Balloch - Strathblane 29 km (Easy)
  3. Strathblane - Croy 20,75 km (Easy)
  4. Croy - Falkirk 20 km (Slightly harder)
  5. Falkirk - Linlithgow 15 km (Easy)
  6. Linlithgow - South Queensferry 24 km (Easy)
  7. South Queensferry - Edinburgh 25 km (Slightly harder)
  8. Edinburgh - Prestonpans 15,75 km (Easy)
  9. Prestonpans - North Berwick 25 km (Easy)
  10. North Berwick - Dunbar 23 km (Easy)

John Muir Link to Cocksburnpath 16 km (Easy)