Distance: 128 km Grade: 3 (Moderate)

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The East Highland Way in Leanachan Forest
cc-by-sa/2.0 - © Graham Robson - geograph.org.uk/p/5823325

East Highland Way NEW
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 © Copyright Graham Robson and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence



A 7-stage unmarked walk with an overall difficulty grading of 3 (Moderate) from Fort William to Aviemore. As this trail includes pathless sections.....how are your navigation skills? There may also be scree and minor scrambling. The East Highland Way starts out from Fort William and runs to Aviemore connecting the West Highland Way, the Great Glen Way and the Cape Wrath Trail to the Scottish National Trail and the Speyside Way.

The trail passes through forests and quiet wilderness and skirts unspoilt marshlands. You will see the last remnants of the ancient Caledonian forests of the Invereshie and Inshriach National Nature Reserve and Loch-an-Eilean Castle, a ruinous reminder of warring times long past.


  1. Fort William - Spean Bridge 19 km (Easy)
  2. Spean Bridge - Inverlair 16,5 km (Slightly harder)
  3. Inverlair - Feagour 35 km (Easy)
  4. Feagour - Laggan 8,5 km (Easy)
  5. Laggan - Newtonmore 15,5 km (Moderate)
  6. Newtonmore - Kincraig 24,5 km (Slightly harder)
  7. Kincraig - Aviemore 16,5 km (Easy)